In this World War 2 FSP game you get a very realistic atmosphere and gameplay. Developed by one single man, me, making a game I wanted to play myself. It changes every time it is played, making it one of the few games that can be replayed, again and again. Extremely much time was used to make a very large, cold Norwegian winter landscape, to put you into a state where you really feel you are there, sneaking behind enemies lines, hunted by hundred of soldiers.
Add to that the new hard sniper mode, and you have a game you can enjoy for a long time. So this game is not developed in a large software house, where the creative and innovative are lost in a large bureaucracy, where a special game has no change of being made. As a single Independent developer I can make the game the way I want, aiming for a niche of players that like a challenging game, and not necessary need constantly firing bullet in all directions to have fun. Some will say this game is more like a simulation of combat, feeling far more realistic than any other FPS out there.